Saturday, March 28, 2015

Hanul's mummy Amniocentesis Test in Malaysia

Hanul's Mummy:

Hi all, this post is meant to all the mummies out there. I figured that i have the responsibilities to share my experience to ease some worries from some of you. :))

On 13th March 2015, i was 21 weeks pregnant and went for a detail scan in Jesselton Medical Centre, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. From scan, Dr. Vijay told me that i am going to have a Baby Girl! Which is a very good and happy news for me, but soon, he told me that my baby has an increased Nuchal Fold of 6.8mm which took my joy away.. My baby is fine and normal in other ways except for the increased Nuchal Fold which may indicates Down Syndrome marker. Dr. Vijay mentioned that there is a chance of 1/35 that my baby maybe down.. The worries and heartache is so over-whelming.

I was then suggested to take Amniocentesis Test to get a certain result.

On 16th March 2015, 3.30pm, i went for Amniocentesis Test with the companion of my mother. The pain when the needle was put in is almost equal as having your blood drawn, except this is on your tummy. Dr. Vijay did an Ultrasound Scan to ensure baby is no where near the needle, my baby girl was behaving very nicely during the procedure, she stay still on the left and Dr. Vijay drew out the sample through my right.

When the sample was drawn, the feeling was very uncomfortable and weird. But it was over about 1 min or 2.

Okay..the waiting game.. I was asked to come back to Jesselton Medical Centre on 21st March 2015 for an ultrasound, just to ensure my baby is doing fine after the test. Dr. Vijay did the ultrasound and baby was fine. But..result wasn't back yet as it was sent to KL's lab for testing.
Dr. Vijay told that result will be back in a week after the test was submitted. Jesselton Medical Centre will call me if there us SOMETHING WRONG. So i went home...

And wait...and wait... Everytime my phone rings it makes me so nervous..

No calls from Jesselton Medical Centre until 28th March 2015.. Then i get a SMS at 2.02pm, it stated "Greetings from clinic Dr. Vijay JMC, your Chromosomes Check Result is Normal. So, kindly make an appointment if you have further inquiry. Tq."

YESS!! It was the GREATEST NEWS!! :)))))

Baby Hanul going to have a Baby Sister! :))

Baby Hanul going to have a baby sister in July, EDD 29th July 2015.
Will write another post on amniocentesis test Next.. :))