21st March 2012 (Wednesday)..
Ok..the contraction interval gets stronger & nearer..It was 10mins apart..whenever the contraction kicks in, i just feel like biting my pillow again..
I had another "show" at about 3pm, this time, it was like the whole plug fell off..
My heart says, baby is coming..~~
The pain gets regular & i am start to get panic.
Called Teddy who is at work..
I grabbed my bag and waited for him downstairs, now the contraction interval was 5mins apart. He manage to get to me about 4.30pm.
On the way to hospital, the contraction interval gets closer, it is now 3 mins apart, then it gets closer, 2.5mins apart. When the contraction kicks in, sitting straight in the car & shutting up is the best! huhu
About 4.45pm, finally! I've arrive Rafflesia Medical Centre! I sent Teddy home! (If you ask me why, i can just say, that's me!)..
Timed the contraction interval & i ran & took the lift upstairs to emergency.
Nurse put me on contraction test again, this time, she says, the contraction is very strong. Dr. Sutha came and check my dilation, it was already 7cm.
They called up Dr. Ramesh quickly, i was then sent to delivery room.
Nurse say.. "tahan dulu, tunggu doctor"..huhu..imagine how to "tahan"..
I was put into care of 2 midwives, very experience & nice ladies.
They helped me up the bed & 1 of them help breaking my water..
This time she says, if you feel like pushing, just push~~
Then Dr. Ramesh came in.. Could you believe this? My contraction stop! huhu..
They put me on drip.. Dr. Ramesh has it power up to "40"..which i don't understand how strong is that..huhu